Absente Absinthe


Absente is made with petite wormwood, and has no thujone content. The brand is available for sale in the United States just like the other new no thujone absinthe called Lucid. Absente has a great taste, but some say that as the US brands like Absente and Lucid have no thujone… then there’s no green fairy (fee verte). Enjoy the taste!

Published in: on May 28, 2007 at 9:06 am  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Sure, and since Lucid claims to contain Artemisia absinthium, it can be considered absinthe. Since Absente contains no Artemisia absinthium, it fails the definition of absinthe.

  2. Here’s another point of view:

    “Thujone content varies, ostensibly to match various market regulations, but when not present the drink is not called absinthe”

    It’s interesting to note that European absinthe can legally contain up to 35mg/l of thujone. I understand that this is the case with many of the original La Bleue’s from the Val de Travers.

    There’s some interesting quoted comments (in translation) from a La Bleue distiller in the the comments section here:
    It’s certainly an interesting debate isn’t it Salsa?

  3. I had bought this in Paris in 2004 – http://flickr.com/photos/storem/483123611/. Would it be the one with grande wormwood? Thanks.

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