Absinthe: Kubler in the US

Kubler Absinthe

In the year 1875 one of the most famous absinthe distilleries of Switzerland was founded in the Val de Travers. The great grandson of the founder Yves Kübler revived his family legacy when he purchased premisies and founded the “Distillerie Blackmint” Using an old family recipe, Kübler first created an aniseed aperitif called “La Rincette”. This drink was without the thujone bearing wormood, as real absinthe was still illegal in those days. Kuebler Absinthe was the very first absinthe to be produced after the Swiss lifted the ban on absinthe in 2005.

Kuebler absinthe is soon to be available in the USA! A more tradtional absinthe than Lucid on account of the authentic anise kick and with a real pedigree! This absinthe is white in colour, as is the case with all Swiss Clandestine absinthes, and delivers a spectacular louche – perhaps on account of it’s strong herbal complexity with a strong note of star anise. The reason that Swiss abinsthe is white is due to it’s true underground clandestine roots – it was a means of outwitting the early 20th century absinthe ban! That all changed in 2005 but the tradition lives on:

“French and Swiss absinthes are very different than Czech and other eastern European absinthes,” Moss said. “The main criteria of what makes absinthe is the presence of wormwood and that’s in Hill’s.” Hill’s and many Czech absinthes don’t contain anise, though, a key herb in France’s green absinthes and the clear Swiss brew.

Kuebler, 40, says his original annual production goal of 40,000 bottles was surpassed in four months. Blackmint is moving into bigger markets, exporting to Mexico to take advantage of visitors from the U.S. and to Japan. It is the largest seller of absinthe in Switzerland with more than 90 percent of the market.

Reuters Oct. 11 2005

Now we hear that Kubler absinthe – the original Swiss absinthe – is coming to the USA! Great news for absinthe fans!

Published in: on July 7, 2007 at 12:05 pm  Comments (9)